Mariya Boyanova

Fine Art

Mariya Boyanova

Fascination for planetary and cosmic processes

I was born and grew up near a volcano. From my window, I had a direct view of the beautiful Vitosha.
It is said that Vitosha can erupt at any moment. The stone flows from the last eruption were proof of this.

As a child, I imagined the enormous processes taking place inside the mountain. What would happen to the approximately 1 million inhabitants if lava suddenly flowed down over the city? I decided to keep an eye on this mountain range.

Over time, this primal fear has become my greatest fascination. It was a decisive factor in my artistic exploration of the powerful planetary processes and cosmic phenomena. I realized that the transformation in nature is not a catastrophe, but a necessary actualization.

I grow with the Art and the Art grows with me

Already as a child I wanted to become a painter and was lucky enough to later study at the Academy of Fine Arts in Sofia. The “Glass & Porcelain” course was very classically oriented.

I focused extensively on design, sculpture, graphics and painting. I was particularly enthusiastic about working with clay, glass and porcelain and explore their mechanical and chemical properties.

My various activities as a graphic and interior designer, photographer and art teacher have strongly influenced my artistic work and are now mostly expressed in my paintings.