Mariya Boyanova

Fine Art

You want to buy Art?

Mariya Boyanova Kunstwerk kaufen

You love an artwork?

You have chosen a work of art from the Art Catalog or the website and would like to buy it? Send me a non-binding request with the title of the artwork (if applicable, art series and work number).

Individual consultation and support

Would you like to find out more about the artwork or are you still unsure whether it will fit in your space?

Buying or renting?

I will be happy to advise you without any obligation.

You’ve decided, but you don’t have the full price of the artwork you want?

Pay in rates with a term of 3 or 6 months.


You want your favorite artwork to be delivered to your home in the shortest possible time.

Once you have decided on a work of art, place your binding order by e-mail with the following details:

  • Title of the artwork and work number
  • Your billing address/different delivery address
  • Are you paying the price all at once or in rates
  • Shipment or pickup from the studio


If your artwork is available, you will receive an e-mail from me with an order confirmation and invoice, which you can pay by bank transfer.

Packaging & shipping

Once the invoice payment has been received, the artwork will be carefully packed and shipped. You will then receive an e-mail from me with the tracking number.
Shipping is free of charge within Germany.
You are also welcome to pick up your artwork from the studio.

As a regular client, you will receive a 10% discount on every additional artwork order.